
Department Faculty

Deb Falcetti (Department Chair)
Business Technology Instructor

Kami Gomes
Business Technology Instructor

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Business Technology

The Business Technology Program reflects the rapid changes taking place in the business world. With the emergence of highly sophisticated electronic technology, a new breed of business professional is needed in the workforce. The “office of the future” has arrived, bringing with it integrated office systems and new models of administration.

The competencies taught in Business Technology are directly aligned to the skills required in current business and industry. Our students will acquire and be able to demonstrate proficiency in using computers for word/information processing, spreadsheet and graphical presentations, database processing, and desktop processing. Additionally, they will learn and be able to perform web-page design, introduction to business, business math and accounting, general office procedures and machines. Moreover, students may become certified in MS Office (i.e. MS Word, PowerPoint, and Excel) utilizing TestOut online software.

Ultimately, the Business Technology Program is focused on ensuring that, upon graduation, our students successfully access entry-level employment in the business world. The program also provides students an excellent springboard to college or other post-graduate education.

Business Technology Students operate and oversee the school store--Tiger’s Den--which assists them in the development of their customer service skills. The school store is an effective educational tool that prepares students for the transition from school to work or college. For many Business Technology Students, the school store provides their first employment experience. For others, it provides an opportunity to develop management, supervision and leadership skills and to practice marketing, finance and customer service curricula in a “real-world” setting.

Our students also have the opportunity to work in our Business Technology Copy Center/Help Desk. In this setting, they operate copiers, laminators, and binding equipment. Through the Help Desk, students apply competencies learned in shop and perform a variety of “real world” tasks on behalf of the school and community.

“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”

Bill Gates  

   Microsoft Founder

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